SimplyCast - Customize Online Survey

Customize Online Survey

How your survey looks is important to your business and getting the most results possible. That is why we make it easy to customize online survey campaigns with easy slider bars. You can customize the background, font color, an optional background image, the width of your survey, title size, title font, the message font size and the actual font to use for the survey. For the question title bar you can change the border, height and the alignment among other things. When it comes to the question body, customize the padding, the colors and the border thickness. These options can also be changed for the answer section and the button at the bottom of each question. You don't need to know CSS but if you do, it opens up a whole new set of options.


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Step 4 of the creation process is where you can fully customize your online survey. Use the drop-down menus on the side to edit the overall theme, page, question title bar, question body, answer section and buttons. Each offers sliders, drop-downs or fields to enter the specific color code. We want you to be able to customize every part of your survey so it matches your company brand. Now you know more about how to customize online survey campaigns, sign up for a free account.

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