SimplyCast - Easy Link Tracking Setup

Easy Link Tracking Setup


Our link tracking tool is very easy to set up and you can have your tracking links added to email and social media sites in no time. All you need is the URL you want to track. Add it to our database and a unique tracking link is generated on the spot. You can also customize your tracking link and edit it at any time. The link tracking tool is a marketing app that can see instant results as all the clicks are reported in real-time.


Ready to use? Sign up for your free account. If not, read how to use.


To create a tracking link all you need is the URL you want to track. Go to the link tracking tool dashboard and click "New."A box will pop up where you enter your URL and a group name. Submit it and a unique tracking code is generated. You can also add custom text if you want.
Now you know more about easy link tracking setup, sign up for a free account.

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