SimplyCast - Campaign Preview

Campaign Preview

image of a sample email campaign



See exactly what your subscribers will see. We provide a full preview of what your email will look like before you send it. View how your email will look in different browsers and email clients before hitting send.


Previewing your email newsletter is very important, that is why it is recommended to not only look at the live preview while in the campaign creation process but to also send a physical test to yourself.


You can also preview a plain text email. There won't be much difference between the editor and the preview but it is still a good practice to test it.




While in the Compose step of the creation process, you will see 5 tabs above the editor that you are using. The third and fifth one have to do with previewing.


When previewing the HTML newsletter you can even add a merge tag to see how that will look to a customer. A merge tag is what is used to personalize each email based on the information you collected at sign up, like a subscriber's first name.

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