SimplyCast - Facebook App Reports

Facebook App Reports


For each Facebook create app that is added to your Facebook page, you can track the results of each with ease. These results will be different from the results from the individual channel used to generate the content. The reports will only deal with those interacting with you on Facebook. See how many people clicked on links, answered surveys, signed up to a form or viewed a widget. Get a full idea of how your message is reaching fans of your page. Once you have these details, you can further optimize your content that is associated with each app. The reports are updated at least once per hour and can be viewed at any time. App reporting is just one of the many features of our Facebook Marketing Solutions.


Ready to use? Sign up for your free account. If not, read how to use.

To view the reports for your apps, start at the Facebook dashboard and click on the App reports tab. If you have any active apps, they will be listed here. Click on the logo for the app you want to see and they will be listed below. The data that can be viewed are similar to the particular channel, they just focus on Facebook related data. How many people viewed a newsletter and what links were clicked on will be listed. Answers to an online survey are tabulated as well as how many people viewed an events listing widget. Each campaign report lists general information like project name, the date it was posted and the status of the campaign.
Now you know more about viewing app reports, sign up for a free account.  

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