SimplyCast - Facebook Review Checklist

Facebook Review Checklist


This feature performs a final check over your entire Facebook campaign before you activate it. If there are any problem areas that would affect your campaign, the review will alert you to them.The different stages of the Facebook process will be listed with Complete, Warning or Failed next to them.


Complete means that the step has been completed successfully and is ready for the send.


Warning highlights areas that could cause potential problems for your campaign, and that you may want to go back and change.


Failed means that the step has not been successfully completed and you must fix these problems before the Facebook campaign can be activated. If anything is marked as Failed the Facebook campaign will not be activated. This feature is in place so you do not need to manually examine every single detail of your Facebook campaign.


Ready to use? Sign up for your free account. If not, read how to use.


The review checklist stage is the last step in the campaign creation process. Here you will see what is ready to be activated and what may be holding you back. Account details and campaign suggestions are the most common. For each part that needs attention, you can easily go back into your campaign and fix. Once you have all "Completes" and you are happy with what you are publishing, hit the "Next" button.
Now you know more about setting up Facebook campaigns, sign up for a free account.

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