SimplyCast - Insert Images

Insert Images

image of the email editor image element

In order to make your email newsletters as appealing as they can be, you can add images to your e-mail campaigns. Our editors make this option very easy: all you need to do is click a button. You can upload and insert images and then arrange the placement. You also don't have to worry about storage space as the smallest of packages provides enough to store hundreds of images.


Each of our editors offers different options for images that you insert. You can make images larger or smaller by simply dragging and it's also easy to add important SEO musts like ALT tags. You can add a hyperlink, a border or whatever other styles you want once you insert the image.


Just don't go overboard, as too many images can influence sending speed and can also turn off readers.



In whichever editor you use, simply click where you want to add the image and then use the "Add Images" button to upload and insert.


During the uploading stage, you will also see any other images you have added before and have the option to use them again. This is your image storage space.


If you don't want to store images on our servers, you are more than welcome to insert images that you host yourself. You instead add the URL of the image into the code. This is not recommended simply because it can influence sending speed if your server is slow or experiencing an outage. Our servers are highly monitored and make your sending speed as fast as possible.

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