SimplyCast - Online Survey Preview

Online Survey Preview


Before you publish and distribute your online survey, it is important to preview your work. This allows you to see your survey exactly as the participants will, and it also gives you the opportunity to catch any mistakes. You can take the survey yourself and have coworkers or friends test it for you. If you change any part of your survey, the preview will change with it, so you are always up to date. To get the best survey sample size, you don't want errors in your work. There is also the feature of changing colors or themes while looking at the preview. Just choose the style change you want and load it to see how it will change your online survey.


Ready to use? Sign up for your free account. If not, read how to use.

To preview your completed online survey, you will go through the full setup and once you get to step 4, you will see a full preview. Test out the survey and see if any changes are needed. To go back just click on the step you want to return to, most likely step 2 (edit survey) or step 3 (survey options). While in preview mode, you can also make changes to your page, question titlebar, question body, answer section and the button that lets people progress through the survey. Once everything is set, you can move on to step 5 which is survey distribution. One other tip to fully test your online survey is to go to step 5 and grab the web link and paste it into a browser and do a test run of your survey.
Now you know more about previewing for a large survey sample size, sign up for a free account.

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