SimplyCast - How to Publish Newsletters

How to Publish Newsletters

If you send email newsletters, odds are you want to increase your readership, but to do this you need to know how to publish newsletters effectively to other means of communication.

One simple way to do this is to take advantage of the email newsletter app that you can create using SimplyCast's Facebook marketing applications. It will automatically output your sent newsletter to your Facebook page.To add the newsletter app to your page, select it from the main creation screen. Give your project a name and select the Newsletters option. Next you will be asked what account it will be added to. Follow the instructions and the app will be added to your company Facebook page. Once added to your page, it will appear under the boxes at the top of your account. You can edit the box and change details such as the image and tab name. Once this is set up, you don't need to do it again. Then every time you publish a newsletter, check the box to automatically have it added to your Facebook page.


Ready to use? Sign up for your free account. If not, read how to publish newsletters:

To automatically publish newsletters to Facebook, there are two steps you need to follow. First, you need to add a Facebook account which will be where all the outputs of campaigns go. To do this, follow the steps to add an account here. Once you have your Facebook account synced, adding a newsletter is as simple as clicking a box when you go to send the email. One of the options will be to click a box to add the newsletter to the Facebook app. You can also select a newsletter to go on your page by going to the newsletter tab on the dashboard. Choose your Facebook account, what page you want to use and the newsletter you want added. Then click add newsletter. You can change what newsletter is there at any time.
Now you know more about using Facebook marketing applications, sign up for a free account.

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