The great thing about link tracking is that it automatically creates a short URL that you can use anywhere. Link tracking with short URL is great for saving space and it also makes it possible to track. Short URLs or links are great for masking links that you don't want users to see, such as affiliate marketing links or special promotion links that could be abused in the wrong hands. Long URLs are difficult to memorize and manually reproduce. As a result, long URLs must be copied and pasted. Short URLs may be more convenient for websites or hard copy publications (e.g. a printed magazine or a book), the latter often requiring that long strings be broken into multiple lines. Link tracking with short URLs is also great for marketing that does not allow someone to actually click. This could be a TV ad or newspaper promotion. The short URL is easy to remember and track. Short URLs can also be customized to help brand your company or monitor conversion rates. Do keep in mind that some websites prevent short or redirected URLs from being used.
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