Voice broadcasting involves sending a professional voicemail to clients. Before you can do that, you need to add the message.
With SimplyCast you have two options: upload a file or use the text to speech feature. For uploading purposes, you have the choice of uploading a WAV file, MP3 file or Ogg file.
These are the most standard formats for voice recordings and should cover what you need. If you do have a format that is not listed, please contact us and we will add it to the list.
When recording your message on your computer, make sure it is clear and easy to understand before uploading. Sound quality won't change on upload.
Ready to use? Sign up for your free account. If not, read how to use.
Uploading a professional voicemail file is the first step in creating a new campaign.
From the voice dashboard, click "Create New Project" and you will come to a screen that will ask you to upload a file or use text to speech.
Select the tab for uploading a file.
You will be prompted to find the file on your computer, upload it to your SimplyCast account and then insert it into the voice campaign.
You can delete and upload a new file at any time.
Now you know more about uploading voice files, sign up for a free account.