SimplyCast - Voice Broadcasting Reports

Voice Broadcasting Reports



After the voicemail marketing campaigns have been sent, it is time to see how you did with detailed reports.


With SimplyCast's voice broadcasting tool you can easily track who received your message and who did not.


From there you can get a good idea of what to optimize for the next send. Did a lot of people answer? Unsubscribe? This can tell you what times to try sending at.


View your results in a pie chart and have the option to export the data for analysis.


Ready to use? Sign up for your free account. If not, read how to use.



To view your voicemail marketing reports for each campaign, start at the voice dashboard and click on the "Reports" tab. Here you will see the results from each sent campaign.


Once you click on the campaign, you will see a reports button to open up the full details.


View who has received and not received your voice message.


Now you know more about voice reports, sign up for a free account.

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