Campus security plays a very important role on college and university campuses by keeping students and faculty safe. Security works hard to protect and update campuses about safety issues, closures, and emergencies. However, reaching everyone isn't always an easy task. Let's look at a few ways marketing automation can help security overcome this challenge and keep campuses safe.
Marketing automation is capable of capturing contact information and updating students through mass communication. With a simple signup form you can collect student information and keep them updated in the future. Having all of this contact data centralized in one location makes communicating with students quicker and more effective.
Engage students on the channel they use most. Sending one mass email is easy but could be missed by many students. Try reaching them through SMS. Since most students always have their phones on them text messages are, on average, read within minutes of being received. You can even use SMS to collect contact information and signups with shortcodes. Students could text a keyword to your number and be automatically opted in to future SMS notifications. The next time campus is closed due to weather, or there is a safety issue like a fire, students will know about it. One of the best ways to prevent issues from occurring is by raising awareness. This can easily be done on social media, which will be highly visible to students. Unlike emergency communication, which needs to be sent in the moment, raising awareness about safety concern like icy sidewalks, responsible partying, and sexual assault can be done over time. Set up automated posts to go out on Twitter and Facebook over the course of months. Little maintenance will be required to keep your social media page active and fresh.
Since all of these processes can be automated you'll be able to save time and easily connect with students when an emergency arises. Take advantage of multi-channel automation to help gather contact information, post on social media, target your communications, and so much more. Become a connected campus with marketing automation.