How Do I Set Up Email Authentication: SimplyCast VFAQ

How Do I Set Up Email Authentication: SimplyCast VFAQ

February 03, 2014

Email Authentication is very important to help increase the likelihood that your emails are delivered to your recipients. Why should I use it?

When you send an email from our platform, a recipient will see that it is coming from our mailing system, but has a From: address that is associated with your own domain name from the email address you are sending from (that you selected from the Schedule page). Authentication tells the recipient mail server that SimplyCast is an authorized sender of your mail.

Without it, recipient mail systems may place emails in the spam or junk folder because they cannot verify we are an authorized sender of your mail.

Setting up Authentication:

To set up Authentication you need to decide which sender domain you are going to be using. For example, we send emails from a email address and would want to set up authentication for the domain. Decide which email address you want to send from first, and then make the authentication changes to the domain name of that email address.

Once you’ve decided which domain you will be using for sending, you will need to set up two different forms of email authentication:

SPF – Sender Policy Framework
DKIM – DomainKeys Identified Mail
Without getting into technical details, these authentication methods are used by almost every mail system in some capacity.

Where do these changes need to be made?

These changes need to be made in your hosting provider’s DNS records. For example, if you have your domain hosted with GoDaddy you would need to log into their system to make changes to TXT records in your DNS settings.

If this sounds technical, you are correct – it is! If you do not manage the domain at your company, provide the information we show on our authentication page to your Mail Server Administrator or the person that manages your domain so they can make these changes for you.

Important: If you are not sure what to do, contact your hosting provider for support. SimplyCast staff cannot make changes to your domain records per company policy.

Adding an SPF Record:

To set up your SPF record in your domain, add the following to your DNS TXT records:

v=spf1 a mx ip4: ~all

If you already have an SPF Record:

If an SPF record already exists, add ip4: to your existing record.

Adding a DKIM record:

The following key should be added to a DNS TXT record:

mail._domainkey k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCpuDFs+laI+uqPEV3N5EsNJTPftx2I+BIafi65PgzZuVfmgmDM7bHoFPUXz5/BThZNzprxUWOkmJnYf33jnxb1I+hu/+5u0u9Hp2I7iEEC3F6mQm1uu3MK8eH6xoiNq3kHwig5TWtZII41y3YRGGJAWT7cRjJrH26YS7fChva1ywIDAQAB

Checking your domain:

Once these changes are made it will take some time for your hosting provider to update their DNS records. It may take up to 24 hours for the process to be completed.

After waiting 24 hours, use the Check button on the Authentication page to check a selected sender domain from the dropdown box to the left. Our system will tell you if the SPF and DKIM records are found and if they authenticate properly.

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