When an employee calls in and says they are unable to make it to their shift, managers are often scrambling to find a replacement staff member as quick as possible. Most companies have a manual process where managers call all unscheduled employees to see if they are available to come into work. This can be time consuming and frustrating when employees don’t answer their phones. Luckily, there is a way to completely automate this process.
Yes, you heard that correctly. SimplyCast has created a recall solution that handles everything in this process for you. Our powerful Recall tool has been designed to handle every step in the staff recall process because we know how time consuming it can be for managers sometimes. Check out this blog to learn more about the exact steps to this process.
In this blog, we are going to look at some of the benefits of having automated staff recalls for open shifts.
Free up Time for Managers
As mentioned above, calling each employee individually can take up quite a bit of time. This usually means that managers will be pulled off the floor and won’t be available to other employees if they need help with anything. Not only will managers be unable to help their employees, but they are also taking time out of whatever other tasks they had planned for the day.
When the recall system is set up, all managers will have to do is create a message and send it off to their employees all at once. After the message is sent, they can either track responses in real time, or continue with their planned tasks for the day since the process is being taken care of.
Limit Employee Responses
You may be wondering what would happen if a manager sent out a staff recall for an open shift but there are five people interested in picking up the single shift. Well, the Recall tool takes care of that dilemma for you. When you are setting up the resource request, there are many different settings you can configure. One of these settings is limiting employee responses so that when the threshold of employees is reached, any other employee that responds to the recall will automatically be notified that no one else is needed.
Reports and Metrics
It’s important for managers to know how the recall campaign is going after they have set it up. After the recall for an open shift is sent out, managers can use SimplyCast’s automated solution to see how employees are responding to the message in real time.
Once the recall campaign has finished, there will be a report automatically generated that provides details of how each employee interacted with the message. Some of these details include the total number of recall responses as well as individual staff group response times, which can be used to determine if any areas are lacking and whether another recall needs to be launched or not. These reports are very useful and can help in improving your staff recalls for open shifts in the future.
Boost Efficiency
Overall, it is not hard to see how an automated recall system will boost your overall efficiency. Since managers don’t have to worry about manually contacting each employee, they will be available to help the employees that are working. This means that those employees won’t be standing around waiting for their manager to be free, and whatever issue they need help with can be solved efficiently.
Whether you have 10 or 100 employees, having your staff recalls for open shifts automated will certainly boost your efficiency. You no longer need to manually collect responses one by one.
Ready to implement a solution for staff recalls?
All in all, it’s clear that there are many benefits to using our staff recall solution. Implementing this system will not only boost efficiency for managers, but it will make the whole workplace more efficient.
SimplyCast has built an automated staff recall solution that can be customized to fit your needs. There are many features you can use to set up the system exactly how you would like. Check out this blog if you’d like to learn more.
Simply request a demo by clicking the button below and let us show you how our automated solution can help manage your staff recalls for open shifts more efficiently.