As you may know, SimplyCast offers a white label version of its platform for others to resell under their branding. This program, the White Label Reseller program, has allowed many companies to offer marketing automation without having to create their own platform from scratch.
Being able to offer marketing automation allows companies to add value to their brand, attract new customers and retain existing ones, and add a new revenue stream to their business. When coming on board as a new reseller, there are a few FAQs that tend to come up. We have collected these questions to share with you.
What is the difference between contacts and credits?
The pricing structure for the email channel allows you to choose contacts or credits.
Credit-based monthly subscription
One credit is equal to one email send. The amount of credits the subscription has is the amount of emails that can be sent during the monthly period. Credits are ideal if you are sending emails to different email addresses every month.
Contact-based monthly subscription
If you are sending multiple messages to the same list, contact-based pricing model gives you unlimited messaging to your stored contacts.
Essentially, credits allow you to send a specified number of emails to any email addresses you like and contacts allow you to send an unlimited number of emails to specified contacts.
Is there a difference between contacts stored in the CRM and contacts in a subscription?
Yes! There is a big difference between contacts stored in the CRM compared to those in a subscription. You can store an unlimited number of contacts in the CRM but only the number of contacts specified in the subscription can be used.
If a contact unsubscribes from one list, can they still receive messages from another list?
If a contact unsubscribes in general, that means that they can no longer receive any messages from that account. So, if a contact is on one list and unsubscribes, they cannot be sent to from another list. However, there is a tool called Audience Management that will allow contacts to manage what types of messages they receive. This means that when a contact goes to unsubscribe, they can choose to only unsubscribe from some types of communications, not all.
How is support handled?
With the White Label model, resellers provide support to their clients and SimplyCast provides support to the resellers. This is to ensure that the reseller is seen as the sole provider to their clients, but they always have the support of SimplyCast when they need it. For general questions, resellers can contact general SimplyCast support at If it is a non-urgent, specific question, reseller contacts their account manager within SimplyCast.
Can a client mask their domain when using Landing Page?
Domain masking is an option when using Landing Page when are on the Professional pricing tier for the channel.
How are sender addresses added to an account?
There are two ways to add sender addresses to an account — one way clients can do it through the front-end of the account and another way you, as the reseller, can do through the backend of the system.
Client-facing method
You can provide these instructions directly to a client that wishes to add a sender address. Or, you can opt to log in as an admin of the account and do the steps for them.
- After logging in, click on the account ID in the upper right-hand corner
- Click Account Information
- Select Sender Addresses from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen
- Click the green New button
- Enter in the email address you want to add as a sender address in the pop-up that appears
- Click Create
- An email will be sent to the email address you have entered, which contains a link
- In the email, click the Verify Now option and the email will be added as a sender address
Back-end method
- From the system manager, go to the account you'd like to add a sender address to
- From the Account Overview for that specific account, click Tools in the menu on the left-hand side
- Choose Sender Emails from the options that appear
- Enter the email address you want to add in the field called "Email To Add"
- You can choose to either Add the email or Add Without Confirmation Email
- Choosing Add will send that email address a verification email as mentioned above
- Choosing Add Without Confirmation Email will add the email as a sender address immediately
How are additional users added to an account?
This is done from within the client account.
- Click on the account ID in the upper right-hand corner
- Click Account information
- Select Multi-User from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen
- Click the Create New User button at the top of the screen
- Enter in the first and last name of the user you are adding and their email address
- Select the permissions you want the user to have from the Roles section
- The email address you entered will be sent a verification email
- Click Verify Now in the email
- Enter a password into the window that appears and click Reset My Password
- The additional user is now active
How are user roles created and added?
In the case that you want a user to only be able to edit/view/change certain things, you need to create a new user role. To do this:
- Click on the account ID in the upper right-hand corner
- Click Account information
- Select Multi-User from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen
- Click the Create New Role button at the middle of the screen
- Add a role name in the field at the top of the screen
- Click on the application you want to add permissions to on the left-hand side where the icons are
- Select what permissions you want for that channel for this role
- Do this for all channels/permissions you want to add
- Click Create once your permissions are set
- Your new role is now created
- Select what permissions you want for that channel for this role
Once you have a role created, you can add it to a particular user by:
- Click on the account ID in the upper right-hand corner
- Click Account information
- Select Multi-User from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen
- Click on the name of the user from Multi-User section
- On the page that appears, select which roles you want the user to have from the Roles section
- Click Save