5 Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Close Sales

5 Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Close Sales

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Real Estate Marketing Ideas

This week in our Flashback Friday blog series, we will look at a blog posted in April 2014: 20 Real Estate Marketing Ideas Guaranteed to Close More Sales. In this blog we gave you 20 ideas for how you can boost closing numbers with your real estate business.

Twenty ideas may seem hard to beat, but believe it or not, we have come up with five more ideas on how to help you use marketing automation to promote your real estate business and increase client engagement!

  1. (21) Welcoming campaign after signup

Right from the get-go you can begin engaging with clients and prospective clients by sending out a welcoming campaign after they have signed up to receive your updates. This campaign can be as simple as a couple of emails with some listings you think they may be interested using a conditional formatting process based off of previous information you have received from them, and can go so far as to provide them with some helpful spring cleaning tips or home renovation ideas to increase their property value.

Sending your email subscribers relevant and insightful content right away can help you forge a relationship with them that starts off on the right foot and helps to cement their decision of choosing your real estate company for their needs. By giving them content that is relevant to them, clients see that you are committed to providing them with quality options and won't simply give them generic "one size fits all" options, which makes them feel valued and helps drives sales.

  1. (22) Optimize your campaigns with web tracking software

Web tracking software is a powerful tool to incorporate into your online marketing campaigns that will allow your real estate company to see which areas of your campaigns are working well and perhaps which areas could stand to be improved upon. With the use of tracking links and pixels embedded into your website and/or emails you send out, the software can collect information regarding how many people are visiting each page of your site, who is opening your emails, as well as which links are the most popular.

You can view all this information in easy-to-read reports and determine where it would be the most beneficial for your company to focus your marketing efforts. Web-tracking also allows you to see what type of content your clients and potential clients are engaging with, which will allow you to optimize your future content to be more accessible and popular.

  1. (23) Use SMS keywords

Text messaging has become one of the most popular ways to connect with people, with approximately 90 percent of Americans owning a cell phone. Use SMS messaging to your advantage and save some valuable time by having your clients text a keyword such as SIMPLYREALTY to a shortcode to receive an automated response. Your real estate company can use SMS shortcodes to answer frequently asked questions – for example, have clients text SIMPLYREALTY OPENHOUSE to 555555 to receive information regarding a property's upcoming open house event.

Or, rather than answering questions, you can use shortcodes to provide clients and prospective clients with tips to finding their dream home, by having them text SIMPLYREALTY TIP to your shortcode number, where they will receive an auto-generated tip from a list you have written in advance.

Your clients will enjoy the immediacy of the responses and it will enable you to stand out from your competitors, while also allowing you to increase and maintain engagement with these clients with minimal effort and maintenance.

  1. (24) Photo sharing on social media

There are lots of benefits to sharing photos to social media and nowadays there are many different platforms that you can use to do this. Including photos has been proven to increase engagement with your content so why not take advantage of a platform such as Instagram, which is predominantly photo-sharing based.

Other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter also allow for photo sharing, and using any of these platforms would be a great way for your real estate company to share fun photos of the houses that you are showing as well as showcasing any open houses or other events. Photos allow you to show your fun side and this way your clients and anyone looking for a realtor can see that your company is able to have a bit of fun in between working hard to find them their dream home.

Instagram photos can easily be shared to Facebook or Twitter and doing so will increase engagement with your clients even more! Encourage your followers to share photos of their perfect home using your hashtag and enter the photos with the most likes into a draw to win prizes. Photo-sharing is an easy and fun way to interact with your clients and have them keep you in mind whenever they next need a realtor's services. You can also use marketing automation tools to help streamline your photo-sharing approach.

  1. (25) Trigger emails when info is updated

Whenever a certain part of a contact's profile in your CRM is updated, such as their address, for example, why not have an email sent out offering your services at a discounted rate? This allows you to renew a line of communication with an old client and hopefully drum up some new business from them.

Using marketing automation, you can automatically have the email sent whenever the platform notices a change in the address field of the client's profile – whether they have changed it via a form, you have updated their information manually, or it was altered some other way. Not having to go through this process manually saves your realty company a lot of time, and yet through this, you can still boost customer engagement.

If you would like to see how marketing automation can help your real estate company close more sales, sign up today for a free 14-day trial!

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