Dental offices need a comprehensive marketing strategy yet communicating with patients is about more than just marketing your dental practice on social media and through your website. Dentistry marketing is also about communicating with patients regarding required procedures, reminding patients of their appointments and connecting with patients on a personal level. With a dental practice, marketing and communication go hand in hand.
Let's start with missed appointments. Imagine that you're a dentist, and you have patients who routinely forget appointments. You need a strategy to get them back in the chair on time. You lose money and, if you charge for missed appointments, so do your patients. Your staff calls patients to remind them about their appointment times, but it takes time out of each day to contact everyone on the reminders list. What if you could automate the whole process? Create a list of the patients signed up for the reminder program, and trigger that list, sending automatic reminders to their email or cell phone in the form of text messages.
Alternatively, imagine that you have a multitude of products available, and it turns out that a client's child needs a procedure or product. You intend to educate your client, but which products should you recommend? Tags in a contact management tool can help sort clients into lists based on insurance coverage, and that would help narrow your recommendations. That way, you can target the most appropriate products for the patient. You drive repeat business back to your dental practice and your patients know that you provide personalized care and take extra care in the little things. You are there to provide knowledge and expertise every step of the way, through automated messages.
Need more patients coming in? Social media promotions and specials are your best friends, and having a landing page with testimonials won't hurt either. You can even set up a signup form for educational emails or phone calls for interested patients.
Regardless of the situation, there is potential for marketing. But that takes time and resources that could be better spent caring for patients. Is it possible to form dental marketing strategies that are more efficient? With Simplycast 360, it is. Every one of those communication processes can be done through our application, and automated to a point so that minimal monitoring and editing is needed. In all of these cases, marketing strategies also boost revenue for the office as well.
Clearly, while this platform allows you to communicate with your patients quickly, easily and personally, measuring patient satisfaction and reception to change is necessary as well, something you can track with SimplyCast 360's survey tool. As you can see, there are many ways marketing strategy can be implemented in dentistry, and SimplyCast 360 packs a large toolbox capable of assisting with those strategies.
Sign up for a free SimplyCast account and try SimplyCast 360 for yourself and your own dental marketing.