My Email Bounced. Now What?

My Email Bounced. Now What?

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Email Bounced

First things first. What is a bounced email? Essentially, a bounced email is an email that was not delivered to the intended recipient and instead was returned to the sender. Obviously, this is not ideal as when an email is sent, typically the sender wants the email to be read by their contacts. But, the bigger issue is that having bounced emails on your sending list is bad for your delivery.

Secondly, it is important to know that there are two kinds of bounced emails: soft and hard.

Soft bounced emails are emails that are rejected for a temporary issue, and typically won't affect your future sending, for example, the recipient's email box was full. With an email marketing platform, such as SimplyCast, soft bounces aren't flagged immediately because the reason for the bounce is temporary. However, if the same email address results in a soft bounce five times in a row, it is flagged as a hard bounce.

A hard bounce, aside from being an email address that soft bounced five times, is any email address that is outright rejected. Possible reasons for a hard bounced email include the email address no longer existing. When an email hard bounces, it is flagged in the mailing system and added to the email suppression list so it can no longer be sent to. This helps keep your mailing list clean.

With SimplyCast, bounced emails are processed automatically. Having your bounced emails monitored and removed is critical as it ensures that contacts on your list are engaged and that your delivery rate is top notch.

To aid in tracking your bounce rate, you can review the SimplyCast email reports, which tracks soft bounces, hard bounces, failed emails, queued emails, and sent emails as well as open rates, click-through rates, and more. You can also calculate your bounce rate yourself by taking the total number of emails sent and compare it to how many bounced.

It is normal for a small number of emails to bounce during an email send because some subscribers may have entered incorrect information, some may have full inboxes, or some may have changed their email address. You can always ensure your emails are being delivered properly by including one or more of your own test emails to see if the email reaches your inbox.

If you'd rather leverage SimplyCast's powerful email marketing platform to handle the management of bounced emails, sign up for a 14-day free trial.

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