OnCall Schedule Management for All Your Scheduling Needs

OnCall Schedule Management for All Your Scheduling Needs

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OnCall Schedule Management

Managing a schedule of on call employees can be hard to do – especially if shifts keep getting traded around or if someone calls in sick. Streamlining your on call shift scheduling can be made easier with the help of SimplyCast’s OnCall schedule management tool.

What is OnCall, you ask?

OnCall is a tool we developed to facilitate the management of employees’ shifts. An organization can use this software to easily schedule custom or recurring shifts for a group of employees, ensuring the right number of personnel is scheduled for each shift and there are no apparent gaps. When we think about what makes a good on call scheduling tool, we think about how it should be easy to use and intuitive for even those who may not be familiar with such software. Our OnCall schedule management software enables shifts to be created easily and efficiently within minutes and the visual calendar interface makes it easy to see who is scheduled for what shift.

What features does OnCall have?

During the development of our scheduling tool, we wanted to make sure we included features organizations were looking for in a scheduling software, including easy shift creation, staffing threshold configuration, a group phone for all currently on call staff, the ability to export a calendar, and more.

Shift creation in the OnCall schedule management software is as simple as selecting the days the shift applies to, the duration length of the shift, and whether it is a custom, one-off shift or recurring. Staffing thresholds can be configured in much the same way as shifts. Choose a shift and determine the minimum and ideal number of employees who should be scheduled. When a threshold has been determined, if either the minimum or ideal number of employees has not been met, a visual cue will appear on the calendar indicating you may wish to schedule another employee to bolster the on call presence.

SimplyCast’s OnCall schedule management tool also facilitates the communication capability with on call staff members. With SimplyCast, the group of all on call staff has one phone number that will automatically redirect the caller to an employee currently on call. This saves people from having to remember different phone numbers and hoping the person you are calling is actually the person currently on call.

Those who prefer having a hard copy of their schedule don’t have to worry when using SimplyCast’s OnCall. The scheduling software lets users easily export the calendars of a particular staff member to their computer which can then be printed out for their convenience. As well, for those users who already use a calendaring software to manage appointments and meetings, their OnCall schedule can be imported into their existing calendaring tool to keep everything organized.

Interested in the OnCall schedule management tool?

If you’re looking for a scheduling tool to manage your on call employees, SimplyCast’s OnCall is a great option. Read the product page for more information on our On Call software and how it can help streamline your scheduling, or  Contact us today for your free demo! Our experts are happy to show you our platform in action and are standing by to answer any questions you may have. 

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