Reselling Email Marketing Software

Reselling Email Marketing Software

white label solutionreselleremail marketingwhite label programemail marketing softwareemail marketing software resellerreseller program
Email Marketing Software

By the end of 2016, there will be over 4.3 billion email accounts worldwide. This is an increase of one billion email accounts since 2012.

Email marketing has a conversion rate of 66 percent, making it more effective than physical letters and catalogs for getting customers to make purchases.

With the popularity of email, there has never been a better time for reseller email marketing software to help you customers boost their email engagement and drive sales.

What makes SimplyCast's email marketing software different?

Email marketing software is a technology that helps users design, optimize, and send emails to their contacts. This software makes it easier for users to make email campaigns that engage and convert contacts.

With SimplyCast's email marketing software, you have access to templates and drag-and-drop functionality that allows for ease-of-use for the user. SimplyCast's application even provides the user with reports on how well each campaign performed.

By using SimplyCast's email software, you also have the opportunity to connect with the larger platform, SimplyCast 360, and take advantage of its automation capabilities and other communication channels.

Why resell SimplyCast?

Email marketing has an ROI of $44.25 for every dollar spent. This means that consumers are actively looking to technology to help them obtain this.

If you were to create your own email marketing software, it would take time and resources that the market simply can't wait for. Instead, why not take advantage of SimplyCast's existing technology?

By joining SimplyCast's White Label Reseller Solution, you will be able to take SimplyCast's email marketing technology and resell it under your own brand. By doing this, you are able to offer your customers the email technology they are looking for while also adding additional revenue to your company.

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