SMS Marketing and Why You Should be Using it

SMS Marketing and Why You Should be Using it


Have you been thinking about adding SMS Marketing to your overall business plan? Need a little push in the right direction?

Ask yourself this question.

How many times in the last 15 minutes have you looked at your Blackberry or iPhone? Just once? Over 10 times? My guess is it is at least a few times.

What am I getting at? People are becoming physically attached to their smartphones and they check it constantly for any beeps, whistles, or vibrations that come their way.

But unlike long lists of emails, Twitter updates and Facebook comments, most people will actually open and read every text message they receive. That makes SMS marketing a very powerful tool for marketers everywhere.

Another reason why you should consider using SMS marketing, is the fact that the message is short and therefore delivers an effective and immediate call to action. Sometimes when there is too much content in an email for example, it can distract or confuse a reader and they move on.

Think about any promotions you have received via SMS. First, you probably opened it - which is major. Then after reading the content, you knew within seconds whether you were interested or not.

SMS marketing is also very effective when combined with special offers and promotions, especially ones that are time-based and need instant attention. Busy professionals may not read their email until the end of the day and that means they miss out on deadlines to act of a promotion. SMS messages will reach them right away and grab their attention. These messages can also become viral since it is very easy for people to forward mobile messages to each other.

Everything about SMS marketing is quick and easy to act on whether you are the sender or receiver. This is why it is an ideal method to build loyalty and increase customer retention as people's lives seem to get busier and much more mobile.

Now do you see why you should be using SMS marketing?

SimplyCast's SMS Marketing Service can have you up and running with a campaign in minutes. Our software makes it extremely simple and you don't have to be a tech wiz. All you have to do is add a subscriber list, enter a subject line, enter your short message, pick a time and send.

Please remember, to use SimplyCast (or any provider) you have to remain compliant and follow best practices. This means that you only send SMS messages to people who have opted in to receive messages from you and that you comply with privacy and data protection rules. Unsolicited SMS is illegal and can harm your brand reputation, so keep it legit and everyone wins.

To learn more, visit SimplyCast's SMS Marketing Solution or contact our customer care team today.

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