What is a Link Destination URL and how do I use it?

What is a Link Destination URL and how do I use it?

Sonar FAQs

The Link Destination URL is an item exclusive to the tracking links. It allows you to determine the URL to which the tracking link directs your anonymous leads and contacts. This allows you to choose where you want to direct your flow to land first, or to direct customers to a page specifically for a feature or product you want to direct attention to.

Is Link Destination URL included in my plan?

Yes. Sonar is a free subscription available to all of our SimplyCast users, so all of the features of Sonar are fully unlocked for you. Sonar is SimplyCast's web tracking tool, which allows you to track leads: both known and anonymous.

This does not mean, however, that the features of 360 such as email, SMS, and others are unlocked.

How do I use it?

When you open our application at app.simplycast.com and sign in, you will notice some tabs along the very top of the window. If you click "More" you can find Sonar in the menu that drops down. By opening Sonar and creating a new Sonar project, you will be transported to the editing page, where you can select your tracker type, and input the necessary URL.

How does this benefit me?

This information is vital to the tracking process. Without this information, the links will not be able to redirect leads or contacts to your web pages at all. As such, this benefits you simply by existing and directing traffic to your chosen site. 

Ready to learn more?

If you want to learn more about Sonar's link destination URL and how you can benefit, contact us today! A member of the SimplyCast team would be happy to show you all of Sonar's web tracking capability and how it can be leveraged for your business.

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