3 Form Builder Tips to Improve Dental Practice Marketing

3 Form Builder Tips to Improve Dental Practice Marketing

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3 Form Builder Tips to Help Improve Your Dental Practice Marketing

Marketing your dental practice can sometimes be a tough process since going to the dentist is something that a lot of people don’t enjoy whatsoever. You might find that bringing in new clients is hard, but being able to attract new customers is essential for your practice to grow.

You need to figure out how to separate your practice from the rest by offering things that no one else offers. There are many ways to separate yourself and a lot of these tactics start with web forms. Let’s go over some ways that you can use form builder software to improve your dental marketing strategy.


Before a potential client decides to book an appointment with you, they will probably check out your website and see what your practice is all about. A good way to keep clients up to date about what’s happening in your dental practice is sending out a regular newsletter. The content of your newsletter is up to you but it might be a good idea to include things that would make someone want to choose your practice over another one. For example, you could include things like a client telling a story about their experience; an explanation of some of the services you offer; and your plans for the upcoming months.

But where do web forms come into play? Well, if someone wants to receive a notification every time you release a newsletter, you need to create a signup form. A signup form should be as short as possible. You don’t want to overwhelm clients with lots of fields that they need to fill out. The simpler, the better. Using web forms like this is how you create loyal clients.


If you’ve ever forgotten about a dental appointment, you know how much of a headache it can be to try and reschedule. Giving your clients the option on your website to sign up for a reminder SMS message can help your practice in numerous ways. A simple reminder text can increase repeat business, build loyalty, and reduce no-shows.

This will be a form similar to the one you create for the newsletter. A form builder gives you all the tools you need to create this form. All you will need is a client’s name and phone number or email. Most clients would probably opt to receive a text message, but some may prefer emails, so it’s a good idea to give them the option.

Satisfaction surveys

Another good way to use form builder software is to let your clients provide feedback about your service. Creating satisfaction surveys or feedback forms is a great way to be able to listen to what your clients have to say and then improve your practice based on their responses.

An example question for this type of form could be something like: “Please rate your experience with us today on a scale of 1-10.” You may also want to ask questions about how the client felt about your services and giving them “Agree, Disagree, Strongly agree, Strongly disagree, etc.” options.

These forms are excellent ways to collect valuable data, however some clients may also want to voice their opinion in other ways. At the end of your feedback form (or even on a separate form), it’s important to include a “Comments” section where clients can leave general feedback. Some of your clients may want to explain something to you so it’s important to let them use their own words.

To sum everything up, if you aren’t leveraging web forms for your dental practice, you’re doing something wrong. You need to find new ways to attract clients and using SimplyCast’s Form Builder is a great way to do so. After you generate new clients, then you can worry about how to make sure they stick around. But first, you need to get them into your office.

Click the button below to request a demo of SimplyCast’s Form Builder and begin creating forms for your dental practice!

Now you've mastered the forms you need, why not explore what other tools can help your dental practice's marketing efforts?

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