Best Hootsuite Alternative for Your Online Marketing

Best Hootsuite Alternative for Your Online Marketing

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Hootsuite Alternative

Hootsuite is a popular social media management tool, and many customers use it to manage their Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts. Yet some customers seek a Hootsuite alternative that includes more than just social media tools.

Imagine an all-in-one solution that allows you to manage your most important social media accounts easily and effectively, while also reaching out to your subscribers with email marketing, text message marketing, fax and voicemail marketing and online surveys.

SimplyCast offers such a solution. It's called SimplyCast 360, and it allows you to manage all your online and offline marketing campaigns through one solution and one provider, with just one bill to pay at the end of the month. It even allows you to automatically send personally targeted messages to each one of your customers, without doing any extra work. There is no other tool on the market which can provide such a highly personalized and unique communication experience for your customers, aside from having a dedicated staff member for each customer, working on individual campaigns per person. Which would be pretty near impossible.

How does SimplyCast social media management compare to the alternative HootSuite solution?

Like Hootsuite, the SimplyCast social media management solution includes tools such as Facebook. Facebook and Twitter are two of the most popular social media sites, and most businesses have a strong presence on both sites.

With the SimplyCast Facebook tool, you can engage your customers while saving time. Create Facebook posts in advance and schedule them to post at organic intervals. Posting is automated, so your news feed stays fresh without you having to post updates yourself. Our Facebook tool also provides detailed reports of who has liked and commented on your posts.

Our social media management tools, similar to the Hootsuite alternative, allow you to target specific types of users with your messages.

In addition to social media management, what alternative tools do you offer?

Email Marketing: One of SimplyCast's most popular tools is our email marketing solution. Our email service has a 95% deliverability rate and features our Simple Editor, a drag and drop message creation tool that is beloved by our customers. It is easy to add content, images and links even if you don't have any knowledge of coding. If you do want to use code, you can easily add in your own HTML in order to further customize the message.

Email marketing has one of the highest ROIs of any marketing method, so it is a great way to promote your business's products and services. With our SimplyCast 360 solution, your customers will automatically receive emails tailored to their personal interests. Depending on the emails they open, the links they click, the purchases they make and more, they will receive emails that are targeted directly to them.

Fax Marketing: Believe it or not, the demand for fax marketing services is not going away. The reason for that is because fax marketing can be highly effective when used properly. Faxes are physical documents, which helps your message to stand out, especially when doing business to business (B2B) marketing.

We offer a fax marketing solution that is easy to use and features simple scheduling functionality. If you have an ongoing campaign, you can select days and times at which you do not wish to send. Fax marketing is an effective way to send coupons and special business to business promotions, for example, sending a menu to a busy office just before lunch time.

As an alternative to the popular email marketing, you can try text message marketing. Text messages can be very effective because 98% of them are opened, and most text messages are opened within five minutes of being received. Text messaging has become a very popular way to send coupons, exclusive discounts and reminders.

SimplyCast also offers online surveys so your customers can provide their true opinions regarding your products and services. Once you create online surveys, you can easily distribute them on your social media pages, and through your email and text message campaigns using SimplyCast 360. By advertising your survey in multiple ways, you can gain more survey participants.

HootSuite provides white papers to help with creating campaigns. What resources does SimplyCast offer?

You can find detailed hundreds of detailed articles, blog posts, free downloadable white papers and many other great resources right here on our website, We also have an amazing and dedicated customer service team to help you with any questions you might have.

HootSuite offers geo-targeting for their messages, so your posts can reach groups of customers in certain areas. Do you?

Yes! Our Facebook tool offers targeting by location so that only customers in certain parts of the country or world see specific posts that are directly relevant to them. You can also target a specific customer by age and gender with certain messages. Targeting your social media messages allows you to engage with your customers on a more personalized level, which can lead to a two-way conversation with customers.

Does SimplyCast offer alternative pricing for nonprofit organizations?

Yes, we offer special reduced pricing for nonprofits. You can find a great flexible pricing plan that works for your organization by contacting the SimplyCast sales team at

I want to know more about SimplyCast 360. How will it help me reach out to my customers on a more personal level?

SimplyCast 360 is made for personalization. It makes it simple to connect with each of your customers with special exclusive promotions on their birthdays, reminder messages for appointments and personalized communication campaigns. Each customer can choose how they want to be contacted: through email, text messages, voicemail or social media messages.

The SimplyCast 360 solution stores each customer's unique information, purchase history, relevant dates and more in an ongoing customer profile. Each action that a customer takes is added to their profile to retain an active, detailed history. The system then uses the stored data to send messages that are engaging to that customer, that are based on their individual interests.

How can I switch from HootSuite? Is it difficult?

It is very easy (and free!) to sign up for an account with SimplyCast. You can sign up here to begin creating campaigns with SimplyCast today.

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