Build Web Forms to Increase Attendance at Your Next Event

Build Web Forms to Increase Attendance at Your Next Event

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Build Web Forms to Increase Attendance at Your Next Event

The event management industry is one where having good web forms is crucial for your success. Event registration doesn’t have to be a headache for your customers. You want to make this process as simple as possible for anyone who wishes to come to your event. Creating web forms that are easy to use is a good way to increase attendance and widen your pool of attendees.

Building web forms with web form software is not a difficult process and you don’t need any experience to start. But there are a few things you should know about before beginning to build web forms. Let’s go over some tips to create easy to use and professional web forms that will leave your prospective event attendees satisfied.

Don’t overcomplicate your forms

Signing up for an event can be a tiresome process if the event management company includes too many unnecessary fields in the registration form. Keeping your web forms as short as possible is a good way to keep your guests engaged and it gives them more time to be excited for your event. If you build web forms that require lots of information about the attendee, they may get frustrated enough to exit out of your website and never return.

The fewer things needed to be entered on a form, the more likely the attendee is to fill it out. For example, if you need a signup form that is just for something like receiving updates about the event, you should keep this separate. Any forms where an attendee is filling out their payment information or more personal information will be a longer process, so it’s best to try and split things up if you can. Be sure to direct them where they can go to sign up for anything else you may offer.

Use templates

One of the many useful things that web form software offers, SimplyCast’s in particular, is form templates. There are many different templates that you can choose from and are all easy to use. The templates have been made by our highly skilled team of designers and all look very professional. If you don’t like a certain aspect of the template, you can customize it to your liking.

Keep guests informed

Building web forms that your event attendees can fill out to receive updates about the event is a good way to build excitement. You don’t want your guests to lose that initial feeling from when they first purchase their ticket. You can also create automated reminders to be sent out to all attendees about the date and time so that they don’t forget.

A good example of this is for a music festival. It’s not super uncommon for a performer to initially commit to performing at a music festival but then back out a week or a few days later. If something like this happens, you need a way to communicate it to your attendees because it may be difficult to promote the information on social media or other platforms if the artist or group doesn't have a large following.

Send a thank you message

After an attendee fills out the form to purchase a ticket to your event, you want to make sure they know that you appreciate their business. An easy way to show this appreciation is to build web forms that have a thank you page at the end. Even though a gesture like this may seem small, adding a thank you message can contribute to an overall feeling of value and being respected.

Determine why a guest didn’t attend

Some systems are able to track who attended events by recording who presented a ticket or clicked on a certain link offered. Sometimes people will buy a ticket for an event and not end up attending. This isn’t uncommon but it’s a good idea to try and show that you are aware they didn’t attend and that you welcome any feedback. A web form or survey is a good way to determine why they didn’t attend and hopefully you can take their feedback and use it so that they may be more inclined to attend any future events.

All in all, web forms are very useful for the event management industry. You want to ensure that you create simple forms, keep your guests informed, and make sure you show that you appreciate their business. These are all simple things to do and it could help improve attendance at your next event.

Click the button below to request a demo of SimplyCast's form builder software and begin building web forms for your events.

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