Can I add a welcome and thank you message to my survey?

Can I add a welcome and thank you message to my survey?

Form/Survey FAQs

Can I add a welcome and thank you message to my survey?

Yes, you can add both a welcome and thank you message to your survey, as well as customize the content for these messages.

How do I create these?

On the top right corner of the Survey element, you will see a menu button. Clicking that button will open a dropdown menu that has options for creating these emails.

Is this included in my package?

Any package that includes both survey and email should be able to make use of this feature.

Why would I want to send these?

These messages are a part of the nurturing process, and are important to making the customer feel valued and aware that you are using their data. Small gestures like this contribute to an overall feeling of being valued and respected. This makes customers want to stay with you and your business.

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