Creating unique web forms can be a tricky process. You want to have forms that are simple but you also don’t want to have forms that just blend in with the rest of your website.
There are a few simple tips that you can use to make your web form stand out. Let’s go over a few easy ways you can use SimplyCast’s form builder tools to create the best basic web forms.
Customize your CTA button
A call-to-action (CTA) button is something that you use on your website to draw the user’s attention to a web form or something else on your website. For example, on retail websites, there is usually a button after an advertisement that says something like “Buy Now” or “Purchase Here.” It’s a button that a user can click in order to hopefully sign up for something or buy a product.
A catchy CTA is also important for a web form. In a web form, a CTA would be the button at the bottom that you click to submit whatever information was on the form. For most web forms, they will simply just say “Submit.”
As already mentioned, you want to be able to keep your web form simple, but also try to make it stand out a bit. A unique CTA button is an easy way to do this. Instead of your CTA just saying “Submit,” it may be a good idea to change it up a bit to keep the user on their toes. For example, you could say something like “Confirm Your Purchase”, “Book a Demo'', or “Confirm Your Seat”. This may give your user a boost in their desire to submit the form and improve the engagement results of your basic web form.
Make Sure the Header is Clear
You want to make sure that the user of your form knows exactly what they’re signing up for. If you don’t include a clear header on your web form, it’s possible that you might confuse a potential customer and end up losing their business. The best way to prevent this is to create a simple, yet informative header for your basic web form.
If your form is being used to sign up for your company’s newsletter, for example, you would want to include the words “newsletter” and “sign up” somewhere in your header. This will ensure that the customer knows what they’re signing up for and they will hopefully end up filling out the form.
Leverage Choice Elements
Some form builder tools give you the ability to insert specialized elements into your form or survey that allow customers to choose a specific response from a set list of options. For example, multiple choice questions or “select all that apply” questions.
Using choice elements in your web form is something that not a lot of companies think of, but they should be using. This tip doesn’t apply to all web forms, but it could be very useful if you have a longer form or a form with questions where you are only looking for a specific answer. It can also create a more engaging form which will make it less likely that the customer will exit out of your website without submitting the form.
All things considered, basic web forms are an important part of your website. You need them for all sorts of different reasons, so you should try to use these tips in order to improve your forms. The best web forms are ones that only include all necessary information but are also visually appealing and catch the customer’s eye. Customizing your CTA button, making a clear headline, and using the choice elements tool are all easy things that you can add to your basic web form to make it stand out.
Looking for a Form Builder Tool?
Check out SimplyCast’s Form Builder, that allows you to create basic web forms that you can embed on your website or send via email to your subscribers.
Click the button below to request a demo of our solution and begin creating your own basic web form today!