What is Text Blasting and Why Should You be Using it?

What is Text Blasting and Why Should You be Using it?

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What is Text Blasting and Why Should You be Using it?

Text blasting is the use of SMS messaging for sending a text message simultaneously to a large group of people. It is a great way to send automatic appointment reminders, flash sale coupons, exclusive promotions, surveys, and more! Text blasts are also very effective for connecting with your customers and helping to build stronger relationships with them.

Text blasting is a great way to market for your company as you are able to reach lots of people directly via their mobile phones. Everyone these days has a phone close at hand allowing you to get your messages straight to them.

Not using SMS marketing can mean you’re missing out on connecting with existing customers (and possibly new ones) as you are not keeping up with the latest technological advances. So, if everyone is already using technology to communicate, why not just skip the middleman and market right to them!

Why use text blasting?

There are many reasons for why text blasting is an amazing way to market, one of these being that it is very inexpensive to create an SMS marketing campaign, as well as very easy to do so.

SMS messaging is one of the best ways to connect with and build lasting relationships with customers, helping turn them into loyal ones. Having the ability to also personalize SMS messages also helps make them feel a part of your company and that they are important to you, leading to an increase in the rates of interaction.

Increased engagement can also be attained with the use of keywords in your SMS marketing. Keywords are short words that the customer can send to a designated phone number, which will then automatically send back more information about the given topic and allow for two-way communication. This method is very useful, as you can only put 140 characters in an SMS message, which is not a lot of space. Using keywords allows you to build off of that limit and help inform potential customers, as well as possibly convert them.

Since text messages are sent directly to contacts’ phones, they are a great way to get information immediately to who you want to receive it, when you want them to. Automated text blast marketing is also a great way to reach lots of people at once with the click of a button. Having the ability to send out immediate information to a large number of people is very useful when it comes to marketing and building strong relationships.

Not being able to find out more information about your services, or the lack of personalized messages, can lead to more opt-outs from subscribers, which can lead to loss of potential customers.

Where to go to try it out

So, you are interested in text blast marketing but now the question is, where can you go to get started? Well, I have the solution for you! Go to SimplyCast and check out our SMS marketing software!

Alternatively, if you're interested in text marketing but aren't sure where to start, why not learn more about the differences between SMS and MMS and find out which is right for you?

SimplyCast has made it so that using SMS marketing is easier than ever before, as it takes little to no computer coding knowledge to design a professional SMS campaign using our software. It includes all of the key features stated above, on top of many others that help ensure your campaign is as successful as can be. It allows you to create multiple campaigns for multiple reasons that can be scheduled to be sent out when you would like them to.

Even more interested and would like to try it out? Click the button below to request a demo and get in contact with one of our amazing team members who will gladly help you along your journey of SMS marketing.

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