Compliance 101 - Clean Your Email Marketing Lists

Compliance 101 - Clean Your Email Marketing Lists

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Compliance 101

The SimplyCast Compliance department "delivers" once again with very important tips on improving your deliverability and overall happiness. Yes, they are that good.

During the spring months many take the opportunity to "spring clean" their homes. For email marketing this is a good time to "spring clean" or re-opt-in your mailing lists.

Email marketing lists should be cleaned at least a few times per year. This will help increase deliverability rates, open rates, ROI, etc. By keeping a clean list you avoid sending to spam traps which can develop over a period of time when an email address becomes inactive for whatever reason.

ISP's take this opportunity to turn the address into a "spam trap", monitoring the inbox and blacklisting those who sends email to it.

Having your list of subscribers re-opt-in not only cleans spam trap addresses and recipients who no longer wish to receive your mail but also gives you the opportunity to update your recipients on how often you send (which may or may not have changed) and what you will continue to be sending.

It is important to understand that even though your recipients may know who you are already and have confirmed that they want to receive your mail at one point in time, they may have changed their mind and no longer wish to receive your mail.

At this point the majority of those people will report the email as spam rather than clicking the unsubscribe link. To stress the obvious, you do not want that.

Therefore giving the option to re-opt-in helps keep your complaint rates low, your deliverability high and your lists squeaky clean.

A sample re-opt-in email is below:

Dear ,

Previously you provided us with your e-mail address when you subscribed to (company/newsletter). We are updating are lists and would like to confirm that you still wish to receive our company newsletter/promotion/etc. We will continue to send our monthly newsletter and from time-to-time, you may receive email updates or special promotions. You may unsubscribe at any time via the link at the bottom of the page or by emailing.



Feel free to email us at anytime for further explanation.

SimplyCast's Interactive Marketing Suite includes: Email Marketing

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