From the Downloads Folder: Communications for Non-Profits

From the Downloads Folder: Communications for Non-Profits

Communication for Non-ProfitsAutomation for Non-ProfitsVolunteer EngagementDonor Engagement
communications for non-profits

From the Downloads Folder is a blog series from the SimplyCast Team highlighting some of the downloadable content available on our website. To see the complete library of downloads available, check out this page!

This week we will be looking at our communications for non-profits whitepaper: The Essential Guide to Communication for Non-Profits. This whitepaper looks at how automation can help marketing and communication strategies for non-profit organizations and increase engagement levels with donors and volunteers.

Non-profits face a number of challenges that are similar to those faced by your typical for-profit commercial industries, however they also face a set of challenges that are completely unique to them. Non-profits tend to be more limited in terms of resources, budget, as well as the amount of time that can be spent on marketing and communication initiatives. By integrating automation into communications for non-profits, many of these challenges can be alleviated, if not completely overcome.

Increase efficiency of volunteer recruitment

In terms of any staffing issues that may be present in your non-profit, automation can help with the recruitment of volunteers for events and initiatives put on by the organization. With the use of online signup forms and surveys, your organization has the ability to easily collect information from potential volunteers, such as their availability for upcoming events or any special tasks they may be best suited for (i.e. donation collecting, registration, catering, etc.). Once a potential volunteer submits the online form, your non-profit organization can follow up with them immediately based on the information they provided.

Further to simply following up with volunteers, you can further increase their engagement by communicating with them via their preferred communication method so you can be sure they receive your messages on time and are excited about the upcoming event!

Increase efficiency of engaging new supporters

Generally, when searching for volunteers and donors, your non-profit organization will first target any existing connections you may have – past volunteers, past donors, colleagues, etc. However, when new people to join your cause, whether as a volunteer or donor, you want them to feel just as engaged with as your established supporters.

There are always a million things running in the background of any non-profit organization, so it may be difficult for you to ensure the same level of attention is given to your new supporters as is generally afforded to your existing ones. Automation can assist with this aspect of your non-profit communication plan as well by giving you the ability to target and personalize your communications for non-profits.

Personalizing your communications for non-profit supporters and donors can be as easy as including their first name in any messages you send, and as complex as including information such as their past contribution amounts, the past events they attended, or any other information that is subjective to each individual person. And while you may think that this type of personalization may be difficult to achieve with limited resources, automation can help by giving you the ability to leverage a handy little feature known as merge tags, which will automatically pull the correct information for each contact and insert it into each message as it is sent.

Ready to see how automation can benefit communications for non-profits?

If your organization is ready to save yourselves some time by making your non-profit communications more efficient, be sure to download the full Essential Guide to Communication for Non-Profits whitepaper.

As well, click the button below to request a one-on-one demo of the SimplyCast platform, which can help improve communications for non-profits considerably with its all-in-one solution. If your organization has a specific use case that SimplyCast may be able to help with, let us know during your demo and we can build a solution on the fly!

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