How Effective is Your Call-to-Action?

How Effective is Your Call-to-Action?

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In our last blog posted titled Break Up Your Email Marketing Routine, we shared a few tips on how to evaluate and improve your campaigns just by changing a few aspects of your email.

One area that we did not mention was the Call-to-Action (CTA).

The Call-to-Action is arguably one of the most important elements of your email and needs to be evaluated and tweaked just like every other part of a campaign.

Your CTA must stand out to be successful. It needs to be inviting, not intimidating, and ultimately encourage readers to click from the email onto your website or landing page. As an email marketer it should be your overall goal to include design elements with well-written copy to achieve a CTA that is distinctive and drives clicks.

Design Elements

Positioning: The CTA must be positioned above the fold. This means in the top 300 pixels of the email. You do not want readers to have to scroll down through your message to find the CTA. Position your CTA with appropriate white space so that it stands out as its own element on the page.

Colour: Use a color that compliments your overall design, yet stands out and draws the eye of the reader. This could mean using a contrasting colour, or simply using a more intense shade of colour. It is very important that the CTA stands out visually from the background of the page. A reader's eye should perceive it as being it's own element on the page when reading the email. Don't be afraid of using colour, but use it carefully and correctly.

Font: Always focus on readability and never sacrifice function for form. In most cases sans-serif fonts are preferred over serif fonts but it is always a good idea to test how different fonts look compared to the rest of your email.

Size: The CTA does not need to be the largest element on the page, but it needs to be large enough to draw the reader's attention.

Well-written copy

Clear communication: Use concise action phrases like "click here" or "act now". Avoid passive phrases that lead a reader to think they can take care of this later. Short, punchy words will get your message across quickly, and at the same time enable you to use a larger font.

State Benefits: State clearly what the value for the click is.

A few examples would be:

Act now to save 50% Off Click here to receive 30% savings

Incite immediate response: By including a timed deadline it enforces the need for the reader to act now and not put if off. When we send out promos at SimplyCast, we always make it clear when the promotion expires.

What happens after they click?

After investing all this effort and time in the design and placement of your Call to Action, be absolutely certain that you link to the correct landing page. One thing we preach over and over on this blog is to test everything more than once just to make sure even if you think it will work.

Also don't expect people to surf around your website or landing page to find what the CTA states. If you do not take them directly to the information that your email advertised, you should not be surprised if they leave after a few seconds.

Taking the time to evaluate the strength of your Call-to-Action will not only increase the number of emails that get opened, it will also increase the overall success of your business or product. Read more tips on how to evaluate and improve your email marketing campaigns.

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