On Monday, a major vulnerability, known as "Heartbleed" was discovered, which essentially affected the technology that powers encryption across the majority of the Internet. That includes SimplyCast.
The bug was identified late on April 7th, the patches were in place early morning on April 8th and everything was rechecked April 9th.
Our team acted quickly, using best practice security measures and we are monitoring our system 24/7.
While the Heartbleed bug is being further investigated, we suggest taking some time to change your passwords everywhere. This is especially critical for your high-security services like email, file storage and banking, which may have been compromised by this bug. We also suggest changing your password that you use to access the SimplyCast application.
As a user of SimplyCast's customer flow communication platform, we take your privacy and data very seriously and that is why we were able to act very quickly on Monday night.
If you have a concern or question, our customer care team is ready to help via email, phone, twitter or live chat.
At the end of the day, we want you feeling safe when using online software. It's one of the aspects that we pride ourselves on.