The SimplyCast Story 39: Supporting Professional Growth

The SimplyCast Story 39: Supporting Professional Growth

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We've mentioned before that at SimplyCast, we believe that passion and talent are more important than experience and credentials. Many of our most dedicated staff came to the company with little to no business experience, making SimplyCast not just a job for them but a learning experience as well.

That's why in the spring of 2014, SimplyCast partnered with Saint Mary's University Executive and Professional Development to create a professional business course. We also had the support and assistance of the Nova Scotia Department of Economic and Rural Development and Tourism (ERDT), which is dedicated to the province's economic growth.

The course was offered to SimplyCast staff and helped to hone their leadership, management, and communication skills. Staff worked alone and in groups to complete a variety of communication exercises. They learned new communication strategies to use in everyday workplace situations, took part in team communication exercises, and learned to communicate with a wide range of personalities.

These are the skills necessary to be a strong leader in any workplace, and they're skills that our staff may not have acquired before coming to SimplyCast. The goal of this course was to develop the company staff's communication skills regardless of their prior experience; whether they'd been in the industry for five years or five months, everyone had something new to learn. SimplyCast values the development of local leaders who can thrive in the Nova Scotia business community, so we appreciated the opportunity to learn from local experts.

We would like to thank Saint Mary's University and the ERDT for their past and continued support. This course was just one example of what SimplyCast has always done and will continue to do: find the people with the talent and passion for the job, regardless of experience, and hone their skills to discover their full potential.

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