Why Choose Us?


Smart City--Why Us Overview

Cities need to get smart. Use case hyperautomation is the best way for them to do so. Every use case is designed to be usable by every city, and easy customization makes it simple to adapt them to the exact needs of cities. Normally, digital adoption takes a lot of time.

Adoption of technology on a city-wide a scale needs to be simple and straightforward so new technology can be adopted at large scales. But with the use case approach, every challenge just becomes another ready-to-deploy solution. Most importantly: smart cities need the smartest security to protect citizen data and prevent breaches.


Cities face a wide array of challenges in growing their use of smart technology. Solutions need to be widely applicable, yet also allow for specific customization on a case-by-case basis. Cities also need comprehensive solutions that can engage, communicate, and automate processes throughout their jurisdictions.


Projected annual revenue growth rate of smart cities.


Of the world’s population is predicted to live in urban areas by 2050.


Of US cities are investing in smart city technology, with more exploring opportunities.
National League of Cities


No code needed

No coding or developers required

City staff can easily create or adjust automation workflows to best fit each city. They can easily adjust live automation workflows to achieve the best possible implementations without getting coding or developers involved.


Engagement. SimplyCast is dedicated to helping smart cities engage citizens using automation and digital tools.


Use case hyperautomation

Our use case strategy experts are constantly looking for ways that cities can be even smarter. When we find a solution, we pre-build templates that cities can launch and use in moments. Our strategists take use case suggestions from across the world and build them into use cases. These use cases let smart cities scale automation faster than ever.

Emergency Response

Emergency Response. Our platform includes a robust set of emergency applications designed to streamline and optimize emergency response operations.


A comprehensive solution

Our all-in-one platform includes more than 20 hyperautomation tools. These tools include communication tools, emergency management applications, staff recall, contact management, maps, and so much more.


Communication. Leveraging robust communication tools allows smart automation to go further and do more for citizens.


Dedication to data security

We are ISO 27001:2013-certified and have data centers that we maintain in the USA and Canada. They allow for secure, safe communication no matter what industry you're a part of. We also offer an appliance model to ensure Smart Cities can adhere to data sovereignty regulations within their region.


Marketing. SimplyCast was built on foundation of all-in-one marketing that ensures cities can inform citizens and improve their experience.