Smart City Use Cases

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  • Use Case: Smart City Weather Alerts
    Smart City Weather Alerts

    Weather can influence commutes, businesses, and other city operations. A snowstorm can cause severe traffic congestion, while a sunny day can have an increased humidex and UV rating. Keeping residents informed about current or extreme weather conditions can be daunting due to different networks, phone apps, and operating systems; it can be overwhelming for residents to navigate information and determine what is accurate and reliable.

    Residents must stay updated on the weather to help them be better prepared and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety or help plan their day, especially if they need to change their daily routines due to weather conditions.

  • Use Case: Smart City Issue Tracking
    Smart City Issue Tracking

    Each department within city government has many issues they must tackle, each issue that comes up must also be tracked. With so many issues arising across various departments it is often challenging to keep track of each one that is ongoing. It is also challenging to ensure each issue is solved for. 


    A digital solution would allow the issue tracking process to become much easier to handle and reduce the risk of challenges arising.  

  • Use Case: Smart City QR Code Documents
    Smart City QR Code Documents

    Sharing documents is often challenging for cities all over the world. It is often challenging to ensure that essential documents for the city’s citizens are printed consistently and to ensure that citizens can easily access public information.

    When thinking of ways to create smarter cities, one key aspect is finding ways to make sharing information easier to do and accessible for everyone. A digital solution offers an opportunity for any city to improve the way that documents or other key information sources are accessed by the public or clients.

  • Use Case: Smart City Permit Filing
    Smart City Permit Filing

    It is common for cities to struggle with managing permit filings. The process of managing permit filings is often a very slow process, that takes up a lot of valuable time. It is important for smart cities to find ways to improve the permit filing process while ensuring it is efficient enough to keep up.

    A digital solution reduces these challenges and improves the overall process.  Such solutions allow cities to streamline their permit filing process, making it much easier to manage.

  • Use Case: Smart City Toxic Substance Reporting
    Smart City Toxic Substance Reporting

    It is important for public health organizations to have an easy way for the public to report toxic substances and potential overdoses. It is also important for there to be a way for public health to effectively send alerts to citizens and keep them informed.

    Currently many public health organizations face challenges when responding to reports of toxic substances or overdoses. This includes facing difficulties with effectively receiving reports and informing the public about toxic substances. A digital solution would help combat these challenges.